HT 2024 Courses
List of lecture courses and schedule for MT:
If you are a DPhil student at Oxford who wishes to watch any of these lectures for broadening, please e-mail providing your name and single-sign on, so that you can be granted access to watch these lectures too.
Part C timetable: Link to Part C Moodle:
Advanced Philosophy of Physics
Lecture Hours: 24
Areas: CMT
Lecturer: Dr Owen Maroney
Department: Department of Philosophy
Location and Times: Ryle Room at Radcliffe Humanities, Thursdays (11:00 - 13:00, weeks 1-4)
Advanced Quantum Field Theory for Particle Physics
Lecture Hours: 24
Areas: PT, CMT, Astro, foundational course
Lecturer: Dr Prateek Agrawal
Department: Department of Physics
Location and Times: Department of Physics, Lindemann, Mondays (12:00 - 13.30, weeks 1 - 8),
Thursdays (14:00 - 15:30, weeks 1 - 8)
Advanced Fluid Dynamics
Lecture Hours: 16
Areas: CMT, Astro
Lecturer: Dr Paul Dellar & Dr Andrew Mummery
Department: Department of Physics
Location and Times: Department of Physics, Lindemann, Mondays (10:00 - 11:00, weeks 1 - 8 ),
Tuesdays (12:00 - 13:00, weeks 1 - 8)
Collisionless Plasma Physics
Lecture Hours: 18
Areas: CMT, Astro, foundational course
Lecturers: Dr Plamen Ivanov (late HT) and Prof Alex Schekochihin (early TT)
Department: Department of Physics
Location and Times: Department of Physics, Fisher Room, Thursdays (10:00 - 11:00, weeks 4-5 and 7-8), Fridays (15:00 - 16:00, weeks 4-5 and 7-8)
Lecture Hours: 16
Area: Astro, PT
Department: Department of Physics
Lecturer: Dr David Alonso
Location and Times: Department of Physics, Fisher Room, Wednesdays (11:00 - 13:00, weeks 1 - 8)
Geophysical Fluid Dynamics
Lecture Hours: 16
Areas: Astro
Lecturer: Prof Tim Woollings
Department: Department of Physics
Location and Times: Department of Physics, Dennis Sciama, Tuesdays (10:00 - 11:00, weeks 1 -3), Fridays (10:00 - 11:00, weeks 1 - 3)
High Energy Density Plasma Physics
Lecture Hours: 16
Areas: Astro
Lecturer: Prof Peter Norreys and Dr Ramy Aboushelbaya
Department: Department of Physics
Location and Times: Department of Physics, Fisher room, Fridays (10:00 - 12:00, weeks 1 - 8)
Nonequilibrium Statistical Physics
Lecture Hours: 16
Areas: CMT, Astro, foundational course
Lecturer: Prof Ramin Golestanian
Department: Department of Physics
Location and Times: Department of Physics, Lindemann, Wednesdays (15:00 - 17:00, weeks 2 - 5), Thursdays (16:00 - 18:00, weeks 2 - 5)
Algorithms and Computations in Theoretical Physics: a Set of Lectures
Lecture Hours: 16
Lecturer: Prof Werner Krauth
Department: Department of Physics
Location and Times: Department of Physics, Fisher room, Tuesdays (14:00 - 16:00, weeks 1 - 8)
String Theory I
Lecture Hours: 16
Areas: PT
Lecturer: Prof Xenia de la Ossa
Department: Mathematical Institute
Location and Times: Mathematical Institute, L5, Mondays (10:00 - 11:00, weeks 1 - 8), Wednesdays (9:00 - 10:00, weeks 1 - 8)
Supersymmetry and Supergravity
Lecture Hours: 16
Areas: PT
Lecturer: Dr Michèle Levi
Department: Mathematical Institute
Location and Times: Mathematical Institute, L5, Tuesdays (15:00 - 16:00, weeks 1 - 8), Thursdays (12:00 -13:00, weeks 1 - 8)
Link to course content
And the following courses from Part C Maths:
Applied Complex Variables
Lecture Hours: 16
Lecturer: Prof Jon Chapman
Department: Mathematical Institute Link to course content
Geometric Group Theory
Lecture Hours: 16
Lecturer: Prof Cornelia Drutu
Department: Mathematical Institute Link to course content
General Relativity II
Lecture Hours: 16
Lecturer: Dr Christopher Couzens
Department: Mathematical Institute Link to course content
Introduction to Quantum Information
Lecture Hours: 16
Lecturer: Prof Artur Ekert
Department: Mathematical Institute Link to course content
Low Dimensional Topology & Knot Theory
Lecture Hours: 16
Lecturer: Prof Andraz Juhasz
Department: Mathematical Institute Link to course content
Random Matrix Theory
Lecture Hours: 16
Lecturer: Prof Louis-Pierre Arguin
Department: Mathematical Institute Link to course content
Riemannian Geometry
Lecture Hours: 16
Lecturer: Prof Jason Lotay
Department: Mathematical Institute Link to course content